There are a few obvious indications that something may be wrong with your brakes. To tell if you need brake repair, pay attention to these telltale signs.
High-Pitched Screeching Noises
Hearing a squealing sound when you press the brake isn’t always a bad thing. This can happen if you haven’t driven your car in a while, especially after heavy rain or cold weather. Rust can develop on the brake discs but rub off after you drive the car. Though, if this sound persists, it’s time to schedule an appointment to fix the problem.
Grinding Sounds
This is not a nice sound to hear while you’re driving. In fact, it’s likely a built-in warning that you need brake repair. Pads that have nearly worn down will start making this noise. It’s likely you’ll need to have the brake pads and discs replaced.
Wobbly or Jittery Braking
Sometimes this wobbling can be felt in the steering wheel. If you tend to brake often while driving, you’ll probably need more frequent brake repairs. For example, when the pads heat up, the material they’re made from can actually coat the brake rotors, creating an uneven surface. These discs can become “warped” over time, and may need changing.
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Slow Response to Braking
If you begin to notice changes when you push the brake pedal, it’s a good idea to have your vehicle inspected. Notably, slow response times can be dangerous—regardless of how fast you’re driving. So, if your vehicle is taking longer to come to a full stop, schedule a brake repair as soon as possible.
Car Pulls to One Side
This is generally the result of brake calipers or a brake hose that is failing. What ends up happening is the balance between the wheels causes one side to brake unevenly. Your car will pull in the opposite direction of the side that’s faltering.
Related Content: What Maintenance is Needed for ABS Brakes?
Mysterious Driveway Puddles
If you start to notice little pools of liquid under your vehicle, these puddles could be coming from the lines that run hydraulic fluid to your brakes. One of the signs that you should look for is a soft brake pedal. If the brake fluid is leaking somewhere, there won’t be enough pressure for the hydraulic system to properly clamp down.
Lafayette Brake Repair
If you’ve noticed any of these signs while driving, it’s best to schedule a local car service for your peace of mind. Regular car maintenance can actually cut down on your need for brake repair and other automotive repair services. Call Lafayette German Car today at (925) 284-3390 to learn more about our specials.